Thursday, June 18, 2015

Week 10 Weekly Photo: Self- Portrait

I had a friend assist me this week in setting up this image. The location was on a balcony I left the image with a yellowish tone because it was because I personally love the heat. Yellow is a warm color, therefore symbolizing it was in a hot environment. Which in the summer in Las Vegas, temperatures have been in the high nineties and low hundreds all week. I love it! Also, I wanted this image to be outdoors because I love the outdoors. I love taking photographs outside because it gives the subject a sort of natural beauty. The reason I chose to pose like I am curious about something is because I am a very curious type of person. Also, it is the first pose I could think of at the moment. What I absolutely love about this image is my shadow because the sun was facing from the upper left, as I posed to the right facing the camera in the opposite corner, the shadow looks like it is facing away from me. As I am sure most people do, when I am on a balcony, if I am not posing for a picture, typically, you will find me leaning on the fence. I love how the image I captured makes it look as though my shadow is doing that exact thing. Another detail I had noticed about this image is the leading lines. The fence around the corner and the shadow of the fence behind me, as well as the lines above me on the wall and the palm tree in the background, leads the common eye straight towards me; which is the subject of the image I wanted everyone to look at first. After the image was captured, I used Photoshop to digitally make it look nice.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Week 8 Weekly Photo: Controversy

This is me. The name of the weekly photo challenge this week was controversy. After much thought, I came up with… gamers. People who devote hours of every day into playing multiple video games. A lot of people do not understand how or why they are able to do this. It is there passion, is my response. It is a way for them to escape to other lands, be another person, learn about the world, etc. In my opinion, gamers are typically highly intelligent and have super cat like reflexes. Others would give rebuttals such as, they could get knowledge from school; or they could not possibly be healthy being stuck in their house all day, staring at a screen, or other such remarks. People are different, let them stay different! If one chooses to live their life in a game, so be it. My photograph is representing myself as a gamer. For the process, I actually chose something a little different. Instead of setting a timer or clicking a remote button, I decided it may be easier to take a video. So I did! I shot a video of myself in different positions as if I were really playing a game, which I wasn’t at the time. Later, I went through the video on my laptop and took screen shots of each position. I then chose the ones I liked best and layered them together in Photoshop. I used the opacity levels on the layers to show a little bit of each one. It may not seem like it, but I even used the opacity on the clearest photo of myself. Then I used masks to single out the different positions. When I found the right combination, I adjusted the vibrancy, and the lighting. Then, that was it.