This is a shot I took representing a fake paparazzi
image. I dressed up my model to look like a famous celebrity that had passed
out in the hallway of a hotel due to her crazy hard party the night before and
her lovely wine she is snuggling with. She is meant to look like she is passed
out cold, and drunk. I got inspiration from a clip out of a foreign movie my
instructor shared with the class last week. The scene was a famous male whom
passed out drunk in his car; the paparazzi were swarming around him taking
shots from every angle possible. How I set it up was I had my model lay on the
ground in a hallway in my home. Next, I placed the props carefully on her; the
props consisted of a small fleece though, a wine bottle, a messy blonde wig,
and stylish sunglasses. She had the easy job of lying there as I took multiple
shots from odd angles just like the paparazzi did in the film. I hope that you enjoy
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